KGS sagged against all major currencies. NBKR exchange rate for 8 MarchThe National Bank of Kyrgyzstan updated the official exchange rates for 8 March. According to the fresh data, KGS weakened against most of the key currencies.
Work schedule of banks in Kyrgyzstan for 8 MarchInternational Women's Day, celebrated annually on March 8, will be a non-working holiday for Kyrgyzstan. For the convenience of our readers, "Akchabar" has prepared the work schedule of banks on this day.
Ruble and dollar weakened. Currency rates for 7 MarchThe National Bank published the official exchange rates for 7 March. According to the published data, the dollar fell by 0.0076 soms and now stands at 87.4424 soms.
KGS sagged against all major currencies. NBKR currency ratesThe National Bank of Kyrgyzstan published official currency rates for March 6. According to the updated data, KGS has weakened against all major currencies.
Ruble fell by 1.4%. currency rates of the NBKR for 4 MarchThe National Bank updated the official exchange rates for 4 March. According to the updated data, the US dollar and euro exchange rates increased slightly to 87.45 KGS and 90.97 KGS, respectively.
The ruble fell, the dollar fell. National Bank rates for 1 MarchNational Bank of Kyrgyzstan published the official exchange rates for 1 March. According to the updated data, the tenge rate increased by 0.0008% to 0.175 soms.