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    Job Fair: Four thousand vacancies were presented to job seekers by the Bishkek labour market

    In Bishkek, more than 100 leading companies presented more than 4,000 actual vacancies at the vacancy and professions fair. The event, which has become a tradition, is held to assist unemployed citizens in job finding, establish a single platform for employers and job seekers, widely inform the population about available jobs, in-demand specialities in the labour market and training and retraining opportunities.

    Nargiza Turkebekova, Head of the Department for Preparation of Decisions on Employment Promotion, said that the Ministry of Labour, Social Development and Migration assists unemployed citizens in employment, and each territorial subdivision holds job fairs twice a year.

    "The services provided in the sphere of employment are free, any unemployed person can apply and register in our territorial subdivision and get all the necessary information and services free of charge. The unemployed can take free short-term courses in those professions that are in demand in the labour market. By the way, about 5,000 unemployed citizens took them during the reporting period. According to the analysis of vacancies in the labour market, there is mainly a demand for working professions,’ she said.

    Deputy Minister of Education and Science Rasul Abazbek uulu informed that 16 professional lyceums of the Capital City and Chui oblast are participating in the fair, and this platform should bring together educational organisations, employers, citizens, students and parents so that some find jobs and some find training opportunities.

    Anara Serekova, Director of Vocational Lyceum No. 93, says that their lyceum trains personnel in demand in the labour market: computer, household and office equipment repair specialists, software developers, website developers, computer and graphic designers. Also, together with the Association of Chefs of Kyrgyzstan, they train national and European cuisine chefs.

    The study terms, based on 9 grades - 2 years, and 11 grades - 10 months. In addition, the Lyceum arranges short-term courses from 2 to 6 months on popular professions for adults annually.

    And of course, the main task of the Lyceum is for graduates to find a job. Statistics suggest that 75% of graduates are employed and work in various sectors of our country's economy.

    The Bishkek Machine-Building Plant, for example, seeks a 5th-grade turner with a salary of 46,000 KGS, a 6th-grade milling machine operator is promised 44,000 KGS, and a stamping machine operator 34,000 KGS. One of the companies in the catering sector needs hall administrators, it has ten vacancies, and those 23 years old are invited to work. Also, 20 waiters are required - future employees are promised a salary, a percentage of orders, and a flexible shift job schedule.

    The State Puppet Theatre also participated in the fair and presented the available vacancies. The theatre, for example, needs an II-category designer. He must have a higher or secondary professional education in the following specialities: art education, environment design, fine and applied arts. There are no work experience requirements for this position. The proposed salary is 17,600 KGS.

    Bishkek residents interested in employment studied lists by districts with job options laid out for them. The choice is great: nurses, seamstresses, psychologists, teachers, secretaries, machinists, drivers, electric welders and many other jobs. Of the 4,000 jobs on offer, everyone has found something to his or her liking, and those who decided to start a new profession could find out how to enrol in short-term courses and get a speciality in demand.

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    • Job Fair: Four thousand vacancies were presented to job seekers by the Bishkek labour market
      In Bishkek, more than 100 leading companies presented more than 4,000 actual vacancies at the vacancy and professions fair. The event, which has become a tradition, is held to assist unemployed citizens in job finding, establish a single platform for employers and job seekers, widely inform the population about available jobs, in-demand specialities in the labour market and training and retraining
      10/4/2024, 1:44:09 PM