KGS sagged against all major currencies. NBKR exchange rate for 8 March
The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan updated the official exchange rates for 8 March. According to the fresh data, KGS weakened against most of the key currencies.
ОАО «Айыл Банк»
Foundation Year
048, 048/1Headquarters
г. Бишкек, ул. Логвиненко, 14Phone
(+996 312) 68 00 00; +996 (556) 68 00 00Website Bank OJSC is a large state-owned bank, 100% owned by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. The bank provides the whole list of traditional banking services. At the same time, the main operation of the Bank is lending to agricultural producers. The Bank is a participant in almost all state and international agricultural financing projects in Kyrgyzstan.
The main investment donors and partners of the Bank are:
World Bank (International Development Association projects: “Rural Finance” and “Agribusiness and Marketing”);
Asian Development Bank (agricultural sector development project);
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (small and medium business development project);
Raiffeisen Cooperative Development Fund in Kyrgyzstan;
Specialized Fund for Refinancing Banks in Kyrgyzstan, UNDP and other financial institutions.