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    Bai-Tushum Bank

    ЗАО Банк «Бай-Тушум»

    Bank Information

    Foundation Year



    050, 50/1


    г. Бишкек, ул. Уметалиева, 76


    +996 (312) 905-805 +996 (770) 905 805





    Bai-Tushum has been operating in the financial market since 2000, having started its activities in 1997 as an international project within the framework of the “Food for Progress” monetization program conducted by the American NGO ACDI/VOCA and the Swiss organization Caritas. For 15 years “Bai-Tushum” has confidently passed a dynamic path of development from a financial fund and microfinance company with a license to attract deposits to a universal Bank with a full banking license. During this period, the organization has become one of the largest financial institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic with total assets of 8.3 billion KGS and a client base of more than 60 thousand customers.

    Dynamic history of development, real credit support of clients from small and medium-sized businesses to large companies, continuous improvement, introduction of new technologies, development of remote service channels and optimization of business processes allowed the Bank “Bai-Tushum” to enter the banking sector in the 6th place in terms of loan portfolio, in the 8th place in terms of authorized capital and in the 9th place in terms of assets and attracted funds.

    The accumulated long-term and successful experience, introduction of international practices and continuous improvement of business processes, responsible attitude to clients, support of shareholders and investors, well-thought-out personnel policy and clear development strategy enable the Bank to be the first in its activity.

    The first microfinance organization in Kyrgyzstan to receive a deposit license

    First microfinance institution in Central Asia to obtain a full banking license

    The first bank in Kyrgyzstan to receive the SMART international certificate for compliance with the Client Protection Principles.

    The first Bank and so far the only one in Kyrgyzstan to be recognized for transparency and responsibility in social activities “STAR Recognition” by the global international platform MixMarket.

    With a wide branch network, Bai-Tushum Bank provides entrepreneurs with a full range of financial services throughout the country, contributing to the deepening of financial inclusion of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic.

    List of ATMs of Bai-Tushum Bank OJSC


    Serves Payment Cards

    • visa_support
    • elcard_support

    Financial Indicators

    Annual Assets
    Assets for 2024
    32828871 thousand som
    Annual Profit
    Profit for 2024
    589346 thousand som