KGS sagged against all major currencies. NBKR exchange rate for 8 March
The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan updated the official exchange rates for 8 March. According to the fresh data, KGS weakened against most of the key currencies.
ОАО «Бакай Банк»
Foundation Year
043, 043/1Headquarters
г. Бишкек, ул. Мичурина, 56Phone
0 (312) 610061/ 6111/ Whatsapp: +996 554 006111Website Bank OJSC is a universal commercial bank established as an open joint-stock company.
The Bank provides banking services to individuals, small and medium businesses, corporate clients, as well as actively developing the Private Banking sector.
For 25 years of its activity “Bakai Bank” has grown from a small private bank to a major player in the financial market of Kyrgyzstan.
A significant achievement in 2018 was the opening of the Islamic Finance Center of “Bakai Bank”. The Bank became the first conventional financial institution to also receive a license to operate according to Islamic principles. Moreover, Bakay Bank was the first in the CIS to become the leader of this promising direction in the entire post-Soviet space. Islamic Financial Center of Bakai Bank offers a full range of financial services based on Islamic principles of banking. The center operates in accordance with international Shariah standards. This means that such a concept as usury is completely excluded. As a result, the products of the Islamic Finance Center of Bank Bakai have become more profitable for customers. It is also important to note that anyone can use the services of the center, regardless of religion.
The year 2020 was marked as a favorable stage in the development of Bakai Bank, despite the events that took place in the world. At the beginning of the year the Bank was reorganized by merger of BTA Bank CJSC. This allowed the Bank to take the 4th place in terms of authorized capital in the banking sector.
The reorganization took place in the form of merger, which means termination of activities of the merged bank - BTA Bank CJSC with transfer of its rights (assets) and obligations (liabilities) in accordance with the transfer act to the merged bank - Bakai Bank OJSC.
Also in 2020, Moody's agency assigned a rating to “Bakai Bank”, which makes it the only bank in Kyrgyzstan with an international credit rating. In 2022, despite the agency's downgrade of the country rating, the Bank's underlying credit assessment remained at B3.