KGS sagged against all major currencies. NBKR exchange rate for 8 March
The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan updated the official exchange rates for 8 March. According to the fresh data, KGS weakened against most of the key currencies.
ОАО «Элдик Банк»
Foundation Year
033, 033/1Headquarters
г. Бишкек, бул. Молодой Гвардии, 38аPhone
+996 (312) 911 111Website“RSK BANK was founded in 1996 to provide services to the population. Over the years the Bank has confirmed its reliability and earned the trust of the population, which is confirmed by the constantly growing number of clients. The Bank continues to develop and improve, taking into account current and future needs of clients. At this stage, RSK is a modern, stable and dynamic financial structure providing a wide range of services for retail and corporate clients.
The priorities of RSK Bank's development remain to increase the level of service, expand the range of banking services, improve the quality and availability of services for all segments of the population and the corporate segment.
“RSK Bank” strives to become the best Bank to serve the population and the segment of small and medium-sized businesses throughout the territory of Kyrgyzstan, to ensure the availability of banking services for all segments of the population and categories of business. In its activities, the bank relies on the principle of the most complete satisfaction of the needs of its customers and all stakeholders, using modern management methods. “RSK BANK” realizes that business is the basis for prosperity of the country's economy and society as a whole. Therefore, one of the principles of the bank's activity is social responsibility.
On June 5, 2024, the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic replaced the license of “RSK Bank” Open Joint-Stock Company due to the change of the full corporate name and abbreviated corporate name of “RSK Bank” OJSC:
- full name in the official language: Eldik Bank Open Joint-Stock Company;
- abbreviated name in the official language: Eldik Bank OJSC.