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    01/01/2025, 17:21

    “Eldik Bank” placed the debut issue of ESG-bonds on KASE

    State-owned Eldik Bank announced the successful placement of its first issue of sustainable development bonds, ESG bonds. This was an important step in the bank's strategy to raise capital to finance projects focused on sustainable development in Kyrgyzstan.

    The total volume of the issue amounted to KGS 200 million, with a maturity of 36 months and an interest rate of 11% per annum. All bonds were purchased by the State Accumulative Pension Fund under the Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic. This indicates a high interest in instruments supporting social and environmental initiatives.

    This bond issue became a significant milestone in the realization of the bank's strategy aimed at the development of environmentally sustainable and social projects. Eldik Bank emphasizes that this event confirms the bank's commitment to international ESG standards, and opens new opportunities for investors interested in projects with a long-term positive impact on society and the environment.

    “This is an important event for our bank and the market as a whole. We are confident that the successful placement of sustainability bonds will open new opportunities for investors interested in projects that have a positive impact on society and the environment,” commented Ulanbek Nogaev, Chairman of the Board of Eldik Bank OJSC.

    He noted that the bank will continue to work on improving the sustainability of our financial solutions and raise additional funds for the realization of important initiatives.

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