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    02/05/2025, 16:33

    The new Minister of Health proposed to separate the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service from the Ministry of Health

    At a meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh on 5 February, the new Minister of Health, Erkin Checheybayev, said that the sanitary-epidemiological service (sanitary-epidemiological station) should be separated from the Ministry of Health.

    In recent years, he said, this branch has been neglected because the focus has been on treatment, which takes up 95 per cent of all efforts.

    The Minister noted that in the current situation, the Sanitary Epidemiological Station and the Ministry of Health are under the same subordination, which creates a certain dependence. In particular, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station inspects hospitals, but all decisions are made by one chief. The minister proposed to make the sanitary epidemiological station independent, allocate it the necessary resources and take it out of the maratorium to ensure effective work. Without this, he said, reform in the health sector will be difficult.

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