03/05/2025, 15:28The Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Subsoil Use and Industrial Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic heard information from the Ministry of Economy and Commerce on the work done in the field of industry last year.
Information on this issue was presented by the Minister of Economy and Commerce Bakyt Sydykov. According to him, 102 industrial enterprises were put into operation in 2024 within the framework of the project «100 Industrial Enterprises-2024». The total volume of investments totalled $800 million.
During the discussion, MP Mirlan Samyakozho noted that out of 100 enterprises opened last year, 75 enterprises are private and 25 are state-owned. MP Akkulu Berdiyev called for the development of crude oil refining, and drew attention to the importance of achieving independence in this area.
MP Zamirbek Mamasadykov noted the need to create favourable conditions for investors, including the development of free economic zones. MP Marat Murataliev drew attention to the issues of increasing domestic production and utilising the potential of local investors.