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    08/29/2024, 14:00

    Host a high quality celebration. Tips on how to feed guests

    In the work of every enterprise or organization at least once it happens that it is necessary to collect guests and partners for a celebration. According to established tradition, even if it is a business meeting, you can not let go hungry.  And in order not to get hit in the dirt, it is necessary to carefully consider everything. The editorial staff of “Akchabar” specially for you has sorted out all the nuances of preparing a buffet.

    Every year the income of HoReCa sphere (hotels, restaurants, cafes) shows positive dynamics. For example, in 2023 the growth amounted to 20%, and if you compare the six months of this year with the same period last year, then by 24%. Of course, these figures include the income of restaurants and cafes received from buffets and other similar events.

    Today HoReCa can offer you a choice of two options for organizing the gastronomic part of the event: banquet and catering.  

    Banquet — as a rule, it is held in a predetermined place, such as a restaurant, banquet hall or cafe. Organizing a banquet implies that all the necessary conditions for the event are already provided on site: kitchen, dishes, furniture and staff, due to which restaurants and cafes provide a fixed price. The menu is often standard, but can be adapted to the needs of the client within the capabilities of the institution.

    On average, you will have to spend about 2.5 thousand soms per person to organize a good banquet (the price will include three courses).

    However, catering is gaining popularity recently. This is a service for delivery and service of food at events in any place chosen by the customer, whether it is an office, home, nature or non-standard location.

    Catering includes not only the preparation and delivery of food as some people think, but also full service catering, providing utensils, furniture and even cleaning up after the event. The flexibility of catering allows you to customize the menu and presentation format for specific requests, which makes it an ideal solution for events of different nature.

    Maya Osmonova, manager of Navat Catering Company, Daulet Kenchenbaev, project manager of Kaynar Catering Company, and Gulzat Raimbekova, founder of HoReCa Club Association, shared with Akchabar editorial staff the nuances that should be taken into account when ordering catering services.

    “To order catering correctly and correctly, you will need to know, firstly, the format of the event. Whether you are planning a buffet, a coffee break, a pop-up (a dinner with a performance by outstanding chefs — Author's note), or just a dinner. Then you need to specify the number of guests who will participate in your event, as well as the date and venue,” — says Maya.

    Having studied the proposals, the editorial staff of “Akchabar” came to the conclusion that the average cost of the menu:

    • for coffee break is 479.5 soms per person;
    • for lunch — 984.2 soms per person;
    • for a buffet — 1 thousand 489.7 soms per person.

    “The cost of services is calculated based on the individual needs of each client. We take into account specific preferences and requirements for the event. For example, if it is held in nature, more hearty dishes will be required so that guests can have a full meal. In the case of a buffet or opening, where it is important to provide a light snack so that guests can quickly move on to other events, the dishes will be lighter. Thus, each request is considered individually, and the cost is formed taking into account all the features and requirements of the event”, — says the manager of Navat Catering.

    The price includes waiter service, menu, dishes and glassware - everything is considered turnkey, but if you want to order additional services, such as marquees, you will have to pay extra. The amount of the quotation can also increase in case of force majeure.

    “We calculate several variants of the commercial offer in advance, taking into account possible fluctuations in the number of guests. If the customer informs us that 70 people are expected, we provide several variants of the estimate so that they can choose the most suitable one. At the same time, we always inform the client about the possibility of shortage or excess of food, based on the actual number of guests. We discuss these points in detail and clarify whether the client is ready for potential changes. We also specify in the contract that force majeure situations related to changes in the number of guests are possible, and that there are no claims on this matter, as all the risks have been announced and agreed in advance”, — said Maya Osmonova.

    In general, having studied the offer, one can really conclude that the catering market is quite flexible. And this is despite the widespread increase in prices.

    “Catering includes services and equipment rental. Due to the price increase, the cost of our services has certainly increased. We cannot raise the cost much, so we add a small markup and look for ways to optimize costs so that the commercial offer simultaneously remains profitable for us and attractive for the client”, — emphasize Daulet Kenchenbaev and Gulzat Raimbekova.

    She emphasized that in the work of catering companies take into account three main indicators, these are:

    • Labor cost;
    • Food cost;
    • And other costs.

    “In order to keep the balance, as I said earlier, it is necessary to work with the management department and the kitchen on a daily basis. To find compromises constantly, trying to work with interchangeable products, but without spoiling the visuals and quality of the final dish. It is this approach that allows companies to stay afloat”, — note the HoReCa Club Association.

    Whether to order a banquet or resort to catering services is ultimately up to you. Each of the options has both pros and cons. What remains constant, however, is the fact that today's HoReCa industry offers flexible options, whether it's a traditional banquet in a restaurant or more adaptive catering at any chosen location.

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      In the work of every enterprise or organization at least once it happens that it is necessary to collect guests and partners for a celebration. According to established tradition, even if it is a business meeting, you can not let go hungry. And in order not to get hit in the dirt, it is necessary to carefully consider everything.
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