Bishkek has become an arena for breakthrough ideas and lively discussions - the International PLAS-Forum ‘Digital Kyrgyzstan’ was held here at the Sheraton Hotel. The event brought together specialists from a wide range of fields: from fintech and public services to cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity and retail. The forum became a real springboard for sharing experience, demonstrating innovative solu
The development of railways in Kyrgyzstan is one of the most expensive state initiatives, requiring billion-dollar investments with a payback period spanning decades. Despite this, the authorities have launched the country's first-ever public-private partnership (PPP) project in the railway sector — the $3 billion "Trans-Eurasian Route", which envisions the construction of a railway line from...
Recently, I needed to re-register a friend's car to myself. I couldn't put it off any longer, so when all the circumstances finally came together, we - me, my friend and her husband - went to UUNA.
From the first of January 2025, changes in the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan's resolution ‘On Bank Payment Cards’ came into force in Kyrgyzstan, according to which all processing centres servicing operations with bank cards must be located in the country. The editorial staff of Akchabar tried to understand why such a decision was made and how the financial system of the republic will react to it.
On 14 February, an important meeting was held in Bishkek to discuss key issues in the development of Sino-Kyrgyz relations. Chinese Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Mrs Liu Jiangping shared details of Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparovy's visit to China.
A domestic company owes more than $200,000 to a Turkish logistics company and is not responding to communication. Representatives of Miss Project International Heavy Transport contacted the Akchabar editorial office — the company was engaged in transporting wind turbines for the wind farm being built by Kyrgyz Wind Systems in Balykchy.
At the end of 2024, Kyrgyzstan adopted a law on amendments to some legislative acts, which is already at the President's signature. A lot of news emphasise that the innovations may have a negative impact on business by increasing the tax burden and control.
In 2024, an interesting financial shift occurred in Kyrgyzstan: the US dollar, which for many years served as a safe haven for finances, lost about 2% of its value. As a result, investors began to look for more reliable instruments for capital preservation, and Kyrgyzstan's gold became such a ‘shelter’.