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    Экономический обозреватель
    • Do we pay more? How tax payments for ordinary employees will change
      On 1 October 2024, changes to the Labour Code came into force in Kyrgyzstan, affecting the payment procedure of wages and the taxation system. Earlier the editorial staff of Akchabar analysed how the conditions for business would change. Still, the readers ask about how these changes will affect ordinary employees, and whether we would have to pay more.
      10/7/2024, 4:11:26 AM
    • Islamic financing: What is the difference between Islamic financing and classical loans?
      The global Islamic finance market reached $4.5 trillion in 2023 and is still growing. In Central Asia, where many previously avoided banking services for religious reasons, Islamic finance has become an affordable alternative. In turn, Kyrgyzstan is keeping up with the trend, not in vain, as these principles exclude interest and are based on fairness and risk sharing. The Akchabar editorial team
      10/2/2024, 11:14:41 AM
    • Is land ownership under threat? Kyrgyzstan wants to change the cadastral system
      Kyrgyzstan wants to introduce a new cadastral management system to reduce corruption and eliminate falsification of land documents. The relevant changes are spelt out in the draft law of the new Land Code. However, the document itself raises many questions. Even the explanations of the head of the State Agency for Land Resources and Cadastre on how the new system will be organised have not clarifi
      10/1/2024, 9:00:00 AM
    • Business with the Celestial Empire. What should one know to become a reliable partner for a Chinese entrepreneur?
      The interaction between Kyrgyzstan and China has been deepening with each passing year, which includes the period after the country entered the Eurasian Economic Union. Maria Suvorova, a Moscow-based expert on China, spoke about how to work with the Celestial Empire.
      9/29/2024, 5:12:39 PM
    • "Togolok" is a step towards industrialisation and the Made in Kyrgyzstan brand reinforcement
      The mountains of Kyrgyzstan are a treasure trove of minerals, and gold is one of the most valuable among them. In recent times especially, when this resource has been breaking price records on the London Stock Exchange over and over again. The Kumtor deposit has been providing the country with precious metal for more than 30 years, but it was decided in 2023 to start the development of the Togolok
      9/28/2024, 12:25:33 PM
    • Host a high quality celebration. Tips on how to feed guests
      In the work of every enterprise or organization at least once it happens that it is necessary to collect guests and partners for a celebration. According to established tradition, even if it is a business meeting, you can not let go hungry. And in order not to get hit in the dirt, it is necessary to carefully consider everything.
      8/29/2024, 8:00:34 AM