KGS sagged against all major currencies. NBKR exchange rate for 8 March
The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan updated the official exchange rates for 8 March. According to the fresh data, KGS weakened against most of the key currencies.
ЗАО «Кыргызский Инвестиционно-Кредитный Банк»
Foundation Year
046, 046/1Headquarters
г. Бишкек, бул. Эркиндик, 21 (пер. Московская)Phone
+996 (312;553;774;704) 62 01 01Website Investment and Credit Bank CJSC (KICB) was established in 2001, becoming the largest commercial bank in the Republic with the authorized capital of 7 million US dollars. At the end of 2007 the authorized capital of the Bank was increased to 10 million US dollars. In 2010 it was decided to increase the capital again up to $17.5 million, today it is $23 million, which confirms the commitment of shareholders to further successful development of the bank.
The shareholders of the bank are international shareholders (90%) and the Kyrgyz Republic (10%). International shareholders include Aga Khan Economic Development Fund (72%), Habib Bank Limited (18%).
Savings banks.
Current vacancies of the bank can be found here.