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    11/12/2024, 07:51

    The Ministry of Labour has involved more than 2,000 unemployed in paid projects in Aravan district

    Paid public works are an important tool to support unemployed and poor citizens, the Kyrgyz Ministry of Labour, Social Provision and Migration has noted. Under these works, conducted to improve local infrastructure, participants receive payment from the national budget, and food and cash from the ‘Food for Work’ programme, implemented jointly with the World Food Programme.

    An example of the successful application of the programme is the Aravan district of Osh province, where 57 projects have been implemented since the beginning of the year. More than 2,000 people, including 689 women and 46 citizens with disabilities, have taken part in them. To pay for their labour, 478.1 thousand KGS were allocated from the budget, and partners provided 81 thousand 150 kilograms of flour and 8 thousand 115 litres of oil.

    Within the framework of the project, the Osh-Aravan motorway was widened, drinking water was brought to the villages of Achchi, Zhany-Aryk and Dostuk, an aqueduct was built in Zhany-Aryk, and canals were dug in Mangyt and Kesek villages.

    In addition, roses were planted and landscaped in a 5,000-square-metre area. In Dostuk village, 60 low-income women took courses on modern cooking techniques to increase their income, and residents of Zhany-Aravan and Dostuk learnt sewing skills.

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