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    03/10/2025, 11:34

    Bishkek Launches First Rotary Parking System to Alleviate Space Constraints

    Bishkek Mayor Aibek Junushaliev familiarised himself with the project of installing the first rotary parking in the capital. The new car park will be located on the territory of the market ‘Orto-Sai’ on Bezymyannaya Street.

    There, specialists of the Municipal Parks, Stations and Markets MP together with Mogilevliftmash OJSC are installing a structure designed for 10 parking spaces. After the test works are completed, the car park will start functioning. This project is implemented within the framework of the agreement between the Municipal Parks, Stations and Markets MP and Mogilevliftmash OJSC for the supply of equipment for rotary parking systems.

    To solve the problems with the lack of parking space, the Bishkek City Hall is using different types of car parks. In areas with sufficient space, multi-storey car parks will be built, while in areas with limited space, such as the Ortho-Sai market, rotor systems will be installed.

    The mayor also inspected the construction of a multi-level car park with a basement for 252 cars. The construction is scheduled to be completed by this summer. The projects will significantly improve the situation with parking spaces in the capital, helping to solve pressing problems of urban space.

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