03/10/2025, 15:23According to the results of 2024, Kyrgyzstan became the only state of the Eurasian Economic Union that ended the year with a surplus of the republican budget. Compared to 2023, this indicator increased 2.5 times, amounting to 33.5 billion KGS (or $400 million).
At the same time, other countries of the Union saw deterioration of budget indicators. In Armenia, the budget deficit doubled, reaching $1 bln. In Kazakhstan, this indicator in national currency grew by 16.9% to the equivalent of $7.8 bln, in Russia - the surplus in rubles increased by 7.5%, and in dollars, on the contrary, decreased by 1.57% and amounted to $37.6 bln.
The highest revenue growth was recorded in Russia (+26%) and Kyrgyzstan (+16.5%). In the latter, this allowed to strengthen the surplus, while in Russia the growth of revenues was slightly higher than the growth of expenditures (+24.2%), which did not improve the budget balance.
Kazakhstan and Armenia faced a situation when the growth of public expenditures outpaced revenues. In Kazakhstan, expenditures increased by 17.2%, which led to an increase in the deficit, while in Armenia this gap contributed to its doubling.