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    01/11/2025, 13:19

    Water supply problems were solved in two districts of Jalal-Abad province

    Bakyt Torobayev, Minister of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry, met with delegates of the Third People's Kurultai in Ala-Buka and Toktogul districts and local residents who raised agricultural issues as part of a working visit to Jalal-Abad Oblast, and held a meeting to address their concerns locally.

    At the third People's Kurultai, held last December, delegates from Ala-Buka district raised eight issues, including clean water, irrigation, processing and logistics. Residents of Toktogul district were also interested in issues related to pasture, livestock and credit.

    In Ala-Buka district, questions were raised about providing clean water to Zhapasaldy village, laying a pipeline from the Chanach-Sai River, irrigation water supply to Sovet-Sai village in Aira-Tam aiyl aimag, construction of the Sumsar-Sai reservoir in Pervomayskiy aiyl aimag, modernisation of pipes used for irrigation water in Deyres-Sai village, and construction of BSR and BDR on the Chanach-Sai River.

    It was also proposed to open a plant to process plum produced in Ala-Buka and Aksy districts.
    In Toktogul district it was noted the need to solve the problem of clean water, as well as to ensure the need for clean water in the villages of Nichke-Sai, Chorgochu, Torken, Kushchu-Suu, Terek-Suu, Chon-Aryk, Mazar-Suu, Kara-Kungei and Sary-Jaiyk. In addition, the issues of repair of the Kempir-Oldu canal, construction of the BSR at the Bordinsky water section, construction of an eight-kilometre canal across the San River to the village of Nitschke-Sai, overhaul of the BSR in Uch-Terek aimag were touched upon.

    In addition, the issues of construction of BSR on ‘Tegerek’ canal, commissioning of ‘Dzhany-Aryk’ and ‘Orto-Aryk’ canals, repair of two kilometres of water channel in Kara-Kungei village, replacement of 3.6 thousand metres long and 720 millimetre diameter pipes at ‘M-1’ pumping station, laying of 30-metre avalanche pipe at ‘Kok-Zhar’ canal section were raised. Proposals were given on the reorientation of 25 hectares of land in the village of Nichke-Sai, assistance to the organisation ‘Beekeepers of Ketmen-Tobe’, giving the village of Nichke-Sai a special status and easing the conditions for granting loans to agriculture.

    Bakyt Torobaev has previously met with residents of Suzak, Nooken, Aksy and Bazar-Korgon districts.

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